Soaring Through the World

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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Scrapbook about my Teaching

Last night when I hosted scrapbooking in my home, I continued filling my scrapbook with my photos and memories of St. Mary School.  I taught 1st grade for 19 years in that special place.
I continued with it today and came across a photo of the student teacher I had the pleasure of mentoring in the 2002-2003 school year.  Next is a snippet about the first day of our school year.
Diane showed what a gem she would be the very first day of school.  That year I had a little bright gift in the form of a Korean girl named M....  We were in the midst of the students and parents' coming in the room and finding desks that would fit the children.  They were burdened like pack mules with all the supplies for their school year.  After the kids were settled and I was having them put things away and explaining procedures, Diane noticed that M... wasn't responding to the directions.  So Diane got a chair and sat right beside M....  We discovered that our Korean neophyte knew no English.  But somehow my gem helped our pupil get through the day.


Unknown said...

Nice story, Norma. These are the sort of moments that make our day at the time when they happen and then again when they resurface in our memories!

Unknown said...

I love this story! I can't wait until I have my own collection of teaching stories!