Soaring Through the World

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Saturday, February 5, 2011


I'm so weary of pain and ice; it's beginning to drag me down into a place where I can't concentrate for any length of time. In addition, my car is not only still stuck in ice, but is now covered with snow.  In spite of the lovely, snowy vision, no poems are incubating in my brain to express myself.  I'm just sick of another obstacle standing in my way of being able to negotiate my deck and driveway without the fear of falling and breaking one of my bones.  
Hmm... maybe there is a poem hatching from my pain and frustration!


Woeful am I!
Eaten up with aggravation
Agitated by icy embedded car
Ready for spring
Yawping with exasperation!


Pondside said...

I hope you'll soon have some energizing sunshine, some warm, melting wind, a car freed from the ice and bones unafraid of an icy fall.

Ragamuffin Gal said...

I would say that is a great acrostic of what you are dealing with now ~ it looks very pretty in your picture. I will send wishes for a your deck and car to be restored soon for you ~ Blessings,

Unknown said...

Weather can be so oppressive. I am experiencing exactly the same thing, but with the heat!!! I can barely move I am so lethargic. Im sending you some sunshine across the waters. Hope you will be back on track soon!!!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

boy did you ever sum that up well....I feel the same

Scrappy Grams said...

Thank you so much, my blogging friends, for your support. I welcome the sunshine from you, Simone and Pondside. How gracious of you. And Katie, I am always in need of blessings. Caren and Cody, here's hoping for a sunnier outlook in the new week.